A2Z Naturals

natural products for bath, body, & soul.

I wield the hands behind A2Z Naturals.
I believe in the power of nature and simplicity and I strive for this with my products.
Are you one of those folks that sometimes gets bored in the shower and reads the backs of the bottles? That’s me. I taught myself how to say “methylisothiazolinone” way back in the day.
Know what methylisothiazolinone is? It’s a chemical used to prevent bacterial growth. It has also been linked to lung toxicity and neurotoxicity. It’s unnatural and unnecessary, like many ingredients found in the great majority of body washes and more.

Nature offers beautiful ways to ensure safety in hygiene and health and wellness, and that’s what you’ll receive with every one of my products. I use only the best ingredients that nature provides – no harsh chemicals, no synthetic fragrances or colors.
Think of it as hygienic medicine. My products help replenish and restore your skin to where it’s meant to be.
It’s naturally that simple.

I appreciate you.

With love,


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